Monday, September 15, 2008

The game.

From the beginning of time man has played "the game". Everyone is always playing "the game". Every moment of every day for you entire life people have played it. The game its not a game you can see, it is not a game you can play on a board or with another person. Because the moment you think about the game you lose. As soon as you think about the game you lose and you have to say out loud "I lost the game"Therefore everyone around you thinks about the game and the result is that everyone loses " The game" The only way you can win the game is to not think about the game but by thinking about not thinking about the game you are actually thinking about the game. Which means that you lose the game. Confused yet. The only way to win the game is to drop the entire subject.

This is the most fun game in the world and its called "The game" My friend Lisa introduced me and my friends to the game. She said that every time we lost we had to say it out loud. Making everyone else lose. So she would constantly send us texts saying " I lost the game" to which we would reply "Oh Lisa, now I lost the game"I told this story to my friend Eve. I told it all serious and both her and I were taking it very seriously. She was liked Oh my gosh! Until we couldn't keep it up any more and we just cracked up laughing. Point is you have to try and play the game and play it with your friends. Its a lot of fun.


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