Time for the monthly book review which hasn't been so monthly oops! Holes by Louis Sachar is a surprisingly suspenseful story that story that weaves in and out of the past events from camp green lake and the present situation of a teenage boy Stanley Yelnats. It is a well written novel but also a great movie.Stanley Yelnats's family has a terrible history of bad luck and Stanley always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. So its no surprise to Stanley when his bad luck gets him in court for a crime that he didn't commit. He was given a choice of jail or camp Green Lake. Of course he chose camp Green Lake I mean what would you choose. The camp turns out to be a lot different than he expected. He was forced to dig one hole every day five foot wide and five foot deep through a dried out crusty layer of earth that used to be covered by a beautiful lake. While hes there the past begins to unfold on how exactly the lake dried up, how the Yelnats family came by such bad luck and how all these event tie in with camp Green Lake and the people residing there.

This is an interesting and suspenseful story that will confuse and excite you withs its many twists and turns. The book is great and movie is almost just as good.Holes by Louis Sacher.
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