We had always heard abnormal stories about Mr. Witmore. Just little things shared at sleepovers and around bonfires at camping trips but they were enough to make even the staunchest of the guys a little bit scared of him. Of course they were meant to scare kids so were often over exaggerated. Sometimes people would tell stories about him being a blood suck
ing fiend who would trick you into staying behind after class then he would eat you. Or he was an alien with a really big body but a tiny head who would steal you away fr om you class and take you to mars to be studied by marsion scientists. Yes; we heard a lot of stories but we knew none of them could possibly be true. However when our teacher had a cold and was taking the day off we were told that our substitute for the period would be Mr. Witmore. The news spread quickly and by period four (the last period of the day) everyone was just hoping to get out alive.
Its kind of funny because at the time he looked so normal. He was tall, dark hair, young and he put on a smile that contradicted all the stories. He had a normal sized head on his shoulders and he didn’t try biting any of us once but that didn’t matter to us. Our imagination took over and from the moment he walked in the class we were frozen in our seats. We kept our heads down and tried not to make eye contact for fear he would prey on one of us. It was obvious he was uncomfortable because he immediately attempting to calm out nerves by talking to us. In the perkiest voice possible he said
“Hi class. I'm Mr. Witmore. Ill be your reliever for today, I hope we can have fun” All he got in return from the class was a chilling silence.
We were soon proven wrong in our judgments of Mr. Witmore. He didn’t set us any work at all he just sat down at the computer and put some of the best music out on. He turned it down and continued to talk to us. He told us everything about himself and we shared funny interesting and sad stories. Before we knew it we were laughing and chatting away as a class to Mr. Witmore. His jokes were hilarious and he was an all round cool person. The time came when he eventually had to set us some work but we were all having so much fun talking about and working on the topic that we didn’t notice how well we had done it. The class flew by as time does when you’re having fun. It was by far the most interesting lesson all day maybe even all week. The scary stories about Mr. Witmore weren’t so scary anymore.
At the end of the class, when the bell had gone and every one had packed up and left I stayed behind. I walked up to Mr. Witmore and said.
“You know sir your nothing like I thought you’d be. Those stories were all wrong”
“What did you think I would do? Suck your blood? Please, the worst I would do would be to make you do lines.”
His reply sparked an idea in my mind and before he turned ti leave I said
“Why would you make up those horrible stories about yourself? Aliens, vampires, and the evil teacher Mr. Witmore?”
A smile spread across his face as he replied
“Well I didn’t. You see I'm known as the horrific, mean teacher but when student see that I can be quite nice I'm not so scary anymore. So I tell them to keep it quiet. They make up the stories. So whatever you do keep it quiet, you wouldn’t want to ruin my rep now would you?”

Its kind of funny because at the time he looked so normal. He was tall, dark hair, young and he put on a smile that contradicted all the stories. He had a normal sized head on his shoulders and he didn’t try biting any of us once but that didn’t matter to us. Our imagination took over and from the moment he walked in the class we were frozen in our seats. We kept our heads down and tried not to make eye contact for fear he would prey on one of us. It was obvious he was uncomfortable because he immediately attempting to calm out nerves by talking to us. In the perkiest voice possible he said
“Hi class. I'm Mr. Witmore. Ill be your reliever for today, I hope we can have fun” All he got in return from the class was a chilling silence.
We were soon proven wrong in our judgments of Mr. Witmore. He didn’t set us any work at all he just sat down at the computer and put some of the best music out on. He turned it down and continued to talk to us. He told us everything about himself and we shared funny interesting and sad stories. Before we knew it we were laughing and chatting away as a class to Mr. Witmore. His jokes were hilarious and he was an all round cool person. The time came when he eventually had to set us some work but we were all having so much fun talking about and working on the topic that we didn’t notice how well we had done it. The class flew by as time does when you’re having fun. It was by far the most interesting lesson all day maybe even all week. The scary stories about Mr. Witmore weren’t so scary anymore.
At the end of the class, when the bell had gone and every one had packed up and left I stayed behind. I walked up to Mr. Witmore and said.
“You know sir your nothing like I thought you’d be. Those stories were all wrong”
“What did you think I would do? Suck your blood? Please, the worst I would do would be to make you do lines.”
His reply sparked an idea in my mind and before he turned ti leave I said
“Why would you make up those horrible stories about yourself? Aliens, vampires, and the evil teacher Mr. Witmore?”
A smile spread across his face as he replied
“Well I didn’t. You see I'm known as the horrific, mean teacher but when student see that I can be quite nice I'm not so scary anymore. So I tell them to keep it quiet. They make up the stories. So whatever you do keep it quiet, you wouldn’t want to ruin my rep now would you?”
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