This is a poem written by a teenager with cancer.A terminally ill young girl in a New York Hospital. I think this is a beautiful poem and it just shows how much life is worth. We should be savoring every moment of life, not rushing through it because as she said you don't know how much your going to have left.
> >>>
> >>>
Have you ever watched kids on a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain
Slapping on the ground?
Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun
into the fading night?
You better slow down.
Don't dance so fast .
Time is short.
The music won't last.
> >>>
Do you run through each day
On the fly?
When you ask How are you?
Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done
Do you lie in your bed
With the next hundred chores
Running through your head?
You'd better slow down
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
> >>>
Ever told your child,
We'll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste,
Not see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch,
Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time
To call and say,'Hi'
You'd better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
> >>>
When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry through your day,
It is like an unopened gift....
Thrown away.
Life is not a race.
Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
10 things I hate about you
Kat Stratford:
"I hate the way you talk to me,
and the way you cut your hair...
I hate the way you drive my car.
I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots,
and the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick;
it even makes me rhyme.
I hate it, I hate the way you're always right.
I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh,
even more so when you make me cry.
I hate it when you're not around,
and the fact that you didn't call.
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you.
Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all."

We watched this movie in English class and this poem was so sad. It was said with so much emotion and it was great. The movie is based on the " Taming of the shrew" . Taming of the shrew was a comedy written by Shakespeare. The comedy is about a noblemen who marries a bad tempered shrew named Katherina. He tames her and makes her obedient. The main subplot features the courting of Katherina's more conventional sister Bianca by numerous suitors.
I really enjoyed the movie. It was extremely clever how they incorporated Shakespeare's work into it and made it an entertaining movie for teenagers. The poem is also based on Shakespeare's work. It was a really cool teenage movie.
"I hate the way you talk to me,
and the way you cut your hair...
I hate the way you drive my car.
I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots,
and the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick;
it even makes me rhyme.
I hate it, I hate the way you're always right.
I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh,
even more so when you make me cry.
I hate it when you're not around,
and the fact that you didn't call.
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you.
Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all."

We watched this movie in English class and this poem was so sad. It was said with so much emotion and it was great. The movie is based on the " Taming of the shrew" . Taming of the shrew was a comedy written by Shakespeare. The comedy is about a noblemen who marries a bad tempered shrew named Katherina. He tames her and makes her obedient. The main subplot features the courting of Katherina's more conventional sister Bianca by numerous suitors.
I really enjoyed the movie. It was extremely clever how they incorporated Shakespeare's work into it and made it an entertaining movie for teenagers. The poem is also based on Shakespeare's work. It was a really cool teenage movie.
Monday, September 15, 2008
The game.
From the beginning of time man has played "the game". Everyone is always playing "the game". Every moment of every day for you entire life people have played it. The game its not a game you can see, it is not a game you can play on a board or with another person. Because the moment you think about the game you lose. As soon as you think about the game you lose and you have to say out loud "I lost the game"Therefore everyone around you thinks about the game and the result is that everyone loses " The game" The only way you can win the game is to not think about the game but by thinking about not thinking about the game you are actually thinking about the game. Which means that you lose the game. Confused yet. The only way to win the game is to drop the entire subject.
This is the most fun game in the world and its called "The game" My friend Lisa introduced me and my friends to the game. She said that every time we lost we had to say it out loud. Making everyone else lose. So she would constantly send us texts saying " I lost the game" to which we would reply "Oh Lisa, now I lost the game"I told this story to my friend Eve. I told it all serious and both her and I were taking it very seriously. She was liked Oh my gosh! Until we couldn't keep it up any more and we just cracked up laughing. Point is you have to try and play the game and play it with your friends. Its a lot of fun.
This is the most fun game in the world and its called "The game" My friend Lisa introduced me and my friends to the game. She said that every time we lost we had to say it out loud. Making everyone else lose. So she would constantly send us texts saying " I lost the game" to which we would reply "Oh Lisa, now I lost the game"I told this story to my friend Eve. I told it all serious and both her and I were taking it very seriously. She was liked Oh my gosh! Until we couldn't keep it up any more and we just cracked up laughing. Point is you have to try and play the game and play it with your friends. Its a lot of fun.
Growing up
You know when your little, and pretty much every friend you had was the same. Sometimes mean, sometimes nice and then when you see those friends years later you begin to realize how much people have changed. Specifically when these years, these teenage years are when you notice not only how much everyone else has changed but yourself too. These are the years when everyone begins to define their own personalities, they begin to change and develop into the person that they will become. People change, they grow with every day and learn from their experiences. You can look around at your friends and notice how much they have grown. Not just physically but their personalities are growing up. So why don't we notice how much we ourselves have grown up. The signs are always around me but I never look back at what I used to be like until someone tells me that I have changed. I just keep looking forward. Cassandra and I were talking about this and I finally looked back. I have changed. So have all my friends. School makes you smarter but experience makes you wiser and looking back I noticed how much we had all changed. Our lives and everything about us has been altered.
This for me is mind boggling, I'm not sure why because at this stage in my life I am so happy. I look back an think that last year or the year before I would have never been having this much fun with my friends, with school, I would have never been coaching a team and yet now I am. I think the reason I never looked back is that now my life is so great and looking back might take me back instead of forward. Or maybe I'm just rambling incoherently. Most likely the later option. The whole point of this blog entry was that looking around at those young adults who used to be kids only a year or two ago makes you notice how fast were all growing up. The years go faster as our lives become more exciting. Time no longer seems relevant. It is as though your just floating on through life, enjoying amazing things. All of a sudden we have so much more freedom. Life just seems so good but it feels like its going to fast that maybe we might miss something.
Like they say "Life is to short" but I cant wait to live every moment to the full.
This for me is mind boggling, I'm not sure why because at this stage in my life I am so happy. I look back an think that last year or the year before I would have never been having this much fun with my friends, with school, I would have never been coaching a team and yet now I am. I think the reason I never looked back is that now my life is so great and looking back might take me back instead of forward. Or maybe I'm just rambling incoherently. Most likely the later option. The whole point of this blog entry was that looking around at those young adults who used to be kids only a year or two ago makes you notice how fast were all growing up. The years go faster as our lives become more exciting. Time no longer seems relevant. It is as though your just floating on through life, enjoying amazing things. All of a sudden we have so much more freedom. Life just seems so good but it feels like its going to fast that maybe we might miss something.
Like they say "Life is to short" but I cant wait to live every moment to the full.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
New York Grand Central Station
Yet again I have another cool video to show you. I think its a phase im going through or something but videos are my thing right now.
Now you know when you see amazing stunts or performances done in a group and its just a group of people doing something cool. Well this video is one of those moments. Its just a group of actors (and again I saw this in drama class today) all getting together and freezing everything they are doing at the same time in the same place. They stay frozen for ages while people go by and wonder what the heck is going on.
Its one of those wonderful performances that started off really small as a joke and has turned into something huge that people all over the world do. A group of actors travel the world and do something they enjoying doing and the best thing is its entertaining for everyone else.
They go to famous places all over the world and do a performances like this one.
See its inspiring, everybody working together. Everyone played their own little part and created something really great. Its this kind of thing that makes me love human beings because they are all so inspiring and the amazing things that we can do a race is wonderful and a beautiful thing to think about.Things like this video show you how amazing people can be and what they can do if they all work together and plan do do something really random but really cool.
Now you know when you see amazing stunts or performances done in a group and its just a group of people doing something cool. Well this video is one of those moments. Its just a group of actors (and again I saw this in drama class today) all getting together and freezing everything they are doing at the same time in the same place. They stay frozen for ages while people go by and wonder what the heck is going on.
Its one of those wonderful performances that started off really small as a joke and has turned into something huge that people all over the world do. A group of actors travel the world and do something they enjoying doing and the best thing is its entertaining for everyone else.
They go to famous places all over the world and do a performances like this one.
See its inspiring, everybody working together. Everyone played their own little part and created something really great. Its this kind of thing that makes me love human beings because they are all so inspiring and the amazing things that we can do a race is wonderful and a beautiful thing to think about.Things like this video show you how amazing people can be and what they can do if they all work together and plan do do something really random but really cool.
Monday, August 18, 2008
101 accents
IWe were watching this in drama today and I thought it was pretty cool alright. This women- Amy Walker- can do 101 accents. All of which sound viable.
I suck at accents and when I saw this I just thought it was so cool. It is a very cool talent to have and I think this shows that she is a pretty great actress. Seeing this kind of cool stuff is what makes me really get into drama at school.
When I saw this I thought that it would be good to put on my blog considering ive gotten into a trend of putting videos on my blog. I should probably stop rambling now and put the video on I hope you enjoy it as much as me and my friends in drama did.
This video is of Amy Walker doing 21 of her 101 accents they are so cool. I like the Kiwi one its awesome such a kiwi accent and the Canadian one actually sounds Canadian, its sounds like my mom or my grandmother.I think the funniest is the Brooklyn accent its great.
Wow! isnt that cool. What a great talent to have. I told you the Kiwi one is awesome.
I find it crazy some of the things people can do. Like some people can do really amazing beat boxing and some people can rool their tounge and then you get some really random and weird things like this that just mke you smile and say "hey thats really neat"
There are so many types of people on earth and you dont really see how individual and unique every single person is until you see things like this. Then you start to look around at the people you know and think wow were all special were all different. I think the most amazing thing about man kind is the various personalities. So remember everyones special in their own unique way.
I suck at accents and when I saw this I just thought it was so cool. It is a very cool talent to have and I think this shows that she is a pretty great actress. Seeing this kind of cool stuff is what makes me really get into drama at school.
When I saw this I thought that it would be good to put on my blog considering ive gotten into a trend of putting videos on my blog. I should probably stop rambling now and put the video on I hope you enjoy it as much as me and my friends in drama did.
This video is of Amy Walker doing 21 of her 101 accents they are so cool. I like the Kiwi one its awesome such a kiwi accent and the Canadian one actually sounds Canadian, its sounds like my mom or my grandmother.I think the funniest is the Brooklyn accent its great.
Wow! isnt that cool. What a great talent to have. I told you the Kiwi one is awesome.
I find it crazy some of the things people can do. Like some people can do really amazing beat boxing and some people can rool their tounge and then you get some really random and weird things like this that just mke you smile and say "hey thats really neat"
There are so many types of people on earth and you dont really see how individual and unique every single person is until you see things like this. Then you start to look around at the people you know and think wow were all special were all different. I think the most amazing thing about man kind is the various personalities. So remember everyones special in their own unique way.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Gorilla man!

Oh I love this add so much.Its one of those stupid adds that make no sense at all and have nothing to do with what they are promoting but I love it. So much. I think its so stupid and irrelevant that its brilliant. The people who came up with this add are geniuses because it makes people smile and laugh and most importantly it gets peoples attention.
If I didn't already want to by Cadbury chocolate (yum!who wouldn't want to buy it) than this add would convince 100%. So as you can tell I really really love this add this is probably the one and only add on TV that if I heard (from my room downstairs) I would jump up and actually go upstairs to watch.
The reason that that is so amazing is because my parents have a hard enough time getting me come upstairs and have dinner with them but there is a reason that I always stay in my room. Them, just jokes dad! Anyway Ive got a little bit off topic. I love this add I hope you do too.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Cristain the Lion!
You might not think this is very cool but I thought that this was amazing.John Rendall and Ace Berg found a cub lion for sale.It was cramped in its cage so they decided to take it home.The cub grew up and was raised with them.Eventually Crisatin got to big.John and Ace were forced to take him back to Africa.Once released into the wild Cristain became the leader of his own pride. A year later they wanted to go visit him but were told that now that he was introduced to the wild he wouldn't remember them anymore.Of course they went anyway.When they got there and the lion finally appeared and saw the men he ran up to them.He jumped up and hug his old friends, nudging them and wrapping his paws around them lovingly. It just shows that human or lion families always stick together and even after being introduced into the wild Cristain still remembered and loved them.
I love it.I think its so cute!and its an overall amazing and touching story.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
My friends and their wacky ways!
My friends. What can I say about my friends.Only that they are the best.My friends are always there for me, they are funny and nice and we may be weird in so many ways but
that's why we all get along so great. We all have personal jokes that anyone else from other groups would not get they would just look at us like we were nuts. Take for example me and my best friend Nikki, we have so many inside jokes that go so far back that sometimes one of us wont even remember what the other is talking about.Me and Cassie are pretty much joined at the hip (another inside joke, same classes and some of the same sports).
The point of this is t
hat I wouldn't be where I am today if my friends hadn't been such awesome friends.You've been the best guys best I could ask for. Thanks heaps.
Nikki: been my best friend for as long as Ive been here.
Bailee: Best of childhood friends from way back
Gabby: Dito on the above.
Cassie:Joined at the hip literally-jokes-and figuratively
Tishana:All dimples and giggles-so much fun, tishana-llama
Charne:My pirates of the Caribbean buddy-pirate bob
Lisa: A personal joke right here-we know what they think
Kayla:And another one-My window buddy.....
Alisha: Yet again another personal joke-Hot?or Cold?
Becca: She understands everything and is always there to help
Jade:Hilarious in her own quirky ways
Amy:My sports buddy, and my awesome talking buddy.We get each other.
(Jordan's my best mate to but this is the list for my girl mates.My guys mates miss out)
You can tell that I couldn't think of something to right about today.............. :)

The point of this is t

Nikki: been my best friend for as long as Ive been here.
Bailee: Best of childhood friends from way back
Gabby: Dito on the above.
Cassie:Joined at the hip literally-jokes-and figuratively
Tishana:All dimples and giggles-so much fun, tishana-llama
Charne:My pirates of the Caribbean buddy-pirate bob
Lisa: A personal joke right here-we know what they think
Kayla:And another one-My window buddy.....
Alisha: Yet again another personal joke-Hot?or Cold?
Becca: She understands everything and is always there to help
Jade:Hilarious in her own quirky ways
Amy:My sports buddy, and my awesome talking buddy.We get each other.
(Jordan's my best mate to but this is the list for my girl mates.My guys mates miss out)
You can tell that I couldn't think of something to right about today.............. :)
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Grief :(
Grief is the sort of thing that can either hit hard and fast leaving you broken and sad or it can come on slowly seeping through and permeating into all aspects of your life.Either way the result is the same.It still hurts just as much. You can loose a family member, or a friend. Or you might not have even lost anyone you've just been through something horrible and no one can no what you feeling because we all react in different ways.Some might get suddenly sad and nothing will put a smile on their face, some will get mad and some will just move on even though deep down their quietly grieving all by themselves.
As a friend there isn't a hell of a lot that you can do except to be there when they need you. You cant take the pain away you cant make it any easier on them even though you wish that you could. You can grieve with them but you'll never really know exactly what they are feeling.All you can do is lend them a shoulder now and again. Cry with them when they are sad, listen when they talk and be as much of a friend as you can.
Grief is upsetting and its everywhere. Its on the news, in the happiest of homes and even in the school playgrounds. What compelled me to talk about this I have no idea.Grief brings people together. That sounds horrible but it does. People who have been through something horrible will grow closer to the ones who stick it out with them. That's why I think friends and family are the best people to have around when you grieving.
One of the most random blogs ever{E}{R}{I}{C}{A}
As a friend there isn't a hell of a lot that you can do except to be there when they need you. You cant take the pain away you cant make it any easier on them even though you wish that you could. You can grieve with them but you'll never really know exactly what they are feeling.All you can do is lend them a shoulder now and again. Cry with them when they are sad, listen when they talk and be as much of a friend as you can.
Grief is upsetting and its everywhere. Its on the news, in the happiest of homes and even in the school playgrounds. What compelled me to talk about this I have no idea.Grief brings people together. That sounds horrible but it does. People who have been through something horrible will grow closer to the ones who stick it out with them. That's why I think friends and family are the best people to have around when you grieving.
One of the most random blogs ever{E}{R}{I}{C}{A}
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